Friday, April 3, 2009

Oh Barney Frank! One Mumble Short of an Osborne’s Episode….

When did I realize that Barney Frank was a disgrace? Well, I will have to confess that I cannot remember the first time I heard him speak, but I would say that is when I knew he was a disgrace. More recently however, Barney Frank (D) MA called Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia a "homophobe" in an interview with a gay rights website(and defended it later on TV). Not only is this a poor public relations move on the part of Congressman Frank, it is utterly untrue. So are the millions of Americans who oppose gay marriage "homophobes"? Although I am sure, some are, the majority are not and just have a different opinion than Congressman Frank. Isn't that what Democrats have been trying to champion for years?....their openness to other people's ideas…..Or did they mean an openness to others in their own parties ideas? Frank is bringing out a whole new partisan side by the Democrats. On countless occasions Barney Frank will demean and disrespect Republicans to their faces. What a message to our nation's children about elected officials! I think what may even anger me most is Barney Frank's accusing the Republican Party of racism when many were opposed to giving out mortgages to those who never had the chance to pay them back. You know Barney Frank; I really would like to smack you, not because you are of a different political view, but because you are a total and utter moron. You represent what is wrong with Washington, the corruption, the partisanship, and the idiocracy that are the roadblocks to success. Your ignorance and fear mongering to play toward your social liberal constituents is a sad ploy. Thank you again Barney Frank for your attempt to polarize America, maybe with the help of your obnoxious mumbling on TV, America will look beyond their surprise that you can form sentences and listen to the content of what comes out of your mouth……


  1. Well said.

    I'm now following your blog if you don't mind.

  2. awesome! I will continue to post hopefully a few times a month. When the summer comes however I will try and post more frequently because I won't have classes.
