Thursday, April 23, 2009

Miss California

What is more American than hot dogs, apple pie, and well…..Miss America? The reaction to the response of Miss California over the weekend to an inappropriate question has sparked a most un-American outcry. Carrie Prejean of California was surprised when she was asked during the 2009 Miss America pageant whether she thought other states should follow the lead of Vermont in legalizing same sex marriage. Her response was as follows, ""I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman, No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."

The question was asked by notorious celebrity blogger Perez Hilton, who did I mention, is gay. (By the way, how come a gay man is judging some of the most beautiful women in the world?)On his blog after the show Perez Hilton blasted Ms. Prejean with expletives. He even went as far as to go on news shows defending his tirade and stating the favorite to win, Ms. Prejean, lost because of her answer. Mr. Hilton said that he wanted someone that represented everyone, not just straight couples.

I think I will take the next few seconds to now go one my own personal tirade on my own blog against this celebrity blogger. What could be more fitting? So you say you want Miss California to represent you, well, what about the 52% of Americans who upheld proposition 8 this November. Had she of supported gay marriage then she would actually be in the minority in her own state. Does he also realize that Miss California holds the same opinions as Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and "Billary" Clinton? Was it not Bill Clinton who signed the Defense of Marriage Act which allows states to not recognize same sex marriage from other states (not to mention it says that the federal government cannot treat same sex marriage as marriage for any purpose)? Why are we then bashing this woman's honesty? I want my Miss America to be honest. It is always joked that during Miss America only superficial and politically correct answers are given. Why should she thus hide her own opinions in the closet? Or does Perez Hilton not remember what it was like to hide in the closet?

Congratulations Miss California! You represented your state statistically and were honest even when knowing that it would cost you the pageant!

Shame on you liberal bloggers, Perez Hilton, and all of the out of touch with reality Hollywood liberals!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Stop Hiding Stewart

The portrayal of the FOX news network is extremely unfair. It is a relentless attack from all angles, whether it be from its rivals on television, newspapers, or entertainment. What is so wrong about presenting the news in a different way, a way that is more hesitant and skeptical of everything the "Anointed One" does or says? The reason that FOX gets such a bad rap is because all of the other media outlets are so far left and biased in the opposite direction of FOX, that they collectively gang up on and try to discredit an alternative view point. I recently saw Bill O'Rielly as a guest on David Letterman's Late Show, only to watch Mr. O'Rielly be verbally abused for his opinions and his show. Who is David Letterman to call out a Harvard graduate and say that his show is awful and his ideas stupid? This is only one instance of many in which conservative spokesmen are being disrespected and degraded everywhere. What really infuriates me is the fact that liberals get these conservatives on their show, give them a thorough tongue lashing with their audience cheering every step of the way and only allow their guests brief moments to respond before continuing, never fully giving them a chance to defend themselves and their ideas. On the off chance that conservatives are given an opportunity to present their case, make good points and show people that they are not the evil, not the cynical men and women they are made out to be but are actually intellectuals who want to engage in a stimulating debate and argue the points, the host cowardly steps back and says "I'm just a comedian, I can't be taken seriously." (Yes I am talking about you Jon Stewart)! You are like that tiny twerp who takes his jab and then hides behind his big brother because he can't take the retaliation. Mr. Stewart, you are an intelligent man, everyone knows it, why than are you so afraid to engage in an actual intellectual discussion with an exchange of viewpoints instead of a barrage of attacks and assumptions and then say "well don't argue with me I am just a comedian"? Sir, you are a coward! If you are so confident that you are right and that the ideas you stand for are correct, why do you continue to hide behind the curtain of comicality and ludicrousness?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Oh Barney Frank! One Mumble Short of an Osborne’s Episode….

When did I realize that Barney Frank was a disgrace? Well, I will have to confess that I cannot remember the first time I heard him speak, but I would say that is when I knew he was a disgrace. More recently however, Barney Frank (D) MA called Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia a "homophobe" in an interview with a gay rights website(and defended it later on TV). Not only is this a poor public relations move on the part of Congressman Frank, it is utterly untrue. So are the millions of Americans who oppose gay marriage "homophobes"? Although I am sure, some are, the majority are not and just have a different opinion than Congressman Frank. Isn't that what Democrats have been trying to champion for years?....their openness to other people's ideas…..Or did they mean an openness to others in their own parties ideas? Frank is bringing out a whole new partisan side by the Democrats. On countless occasions Barney Frank will demean and disrespect Republicans to their faces. What a message to our nation's children about elected officials! I think what may even anger me most is Barney Frank's accusing the Republican Party of racism when many were opposed to giving out mortgages to those who never had the chance to pay them back. You know Barney Frank; I really would like to smack you, not because you are of a different political view, but because you are a total and utter moron. You represent what is wrong with Washington, the corruption, the partisanship, and the idiocracy that are the roadblocks to success. Your ignorance and fear mongering to play toward your social liberal constituents is a sad ploy. Thank you again Barney Frank for your attempt to polarize America, maybe with the help of your obnoxious mumbling on TV, America will look beyond their surprise that you can form sentences and listen to the content of what comes out of your mouth……