Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I would like everyone to take a look at the article I posted on the right hand side of the blog. I think this guy puts it best. "My hopes and expectations for Obama, therefore, are much more reasonable, and I will be able to take in the history and the pomp without the accompanying anxiety that Inauguration Day will bring to my more liberal friends." We need to step back and look at this day as a day to respect the amazing ability that our country can change power peacefully. Come tomorrow, we can be go back to battling and debating policy, but today, just relax and enjoy the fact that we no longer have to listen to liberal rants about President Bush. When liberals say negative things about American policy, we no longer have to hold this illogical burden of trying to defend policies that are neither conservative in nature nor a political issue. Just relax as the Democrat takes control of the wheel and tries to drive through the same bumpy road that we have been driving. As cliché as it may seem, the driver driving has little to do with the road ahead and will hit the same bumps and potholes as another driver would.

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