Thursday, January 29, 2009

How America is Paying for the Democratic Party to Prosper

$819 billion, how can one fathom an amount of money so large, so fictitious, so absurd that would even make Bill Gates gag? At first glance, one may think (well maybe not us fiscal conservatives), 'Great Obama is really pushing to get our economy pumping!', but with a closer look, one can really see all of the earmarks and pork barrel spending that frankly, should cause quite a stir (but won't). The 647 page document that is the Stimulus gives Democrats a great chance to bank on all of the promises they have made in the past. Luckily, at least some of their earmarks got cut out of the original bill because of some controversy, $200 million for new contraceptive service and $20 million to renovate the National Mall. Fox news reported that "$25 million for new ATV trails; $400 million for the National Endowment for the Arts; $400 million for global warming research; $335 million for the Centers for Disease Control to combat sexually-transmitted diseases; and $650 million coupons to subsidize TV viewers for digital television conversion. " are all in the stimulus. Isn't the point of the stimulus to stimulate the economy, not reward past promises? How on earth does $25 million for ATV trails stimulate our economy? Can't we find better things to do with that money? If this is a violation of the people's trust in government, then I do not know what is. With the same logic, if the Republicans were in charge, we could add 'stimulus' money to purchase more hunting land for hunters, expand aid for faith based rehabilitation, and increase wages for soldiers! Why wouldn't we satisfy our base and entrench our foothold on capitol hill (oh wait, we wouldn't, anyone heard of moral responsibility). NOT ONE REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR THE STIMULUS. We are allowing the party in power to make good on all of these promises on our tax dollars! Democrats defend the bill by pointing to the $30 billion in the stimulus for infrastructure. …….hold on, 3.66% of the total stimulus is for infrastructure? What a success! Well, congrats to all of you ATV riders, at least someone will benefit!

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