Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Unfairness Creed

Recently certain Democrats in the Senate, such as Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), have voiced their opinion about bringing about the highly controversial "Fairness Doctrine". The "Fairness Doctrine" is a policy that says that anyone who holds a broadcast license and is talking about controversial issues must show both sides of the story. Don't people make their own news shows so that they can voice their own opinion? Who is it that decides if something is controversial? What and how long will the news be when everyone has to explain and promote the ideas of every side in every situation?

This, of course, is supported by democrats, showing once again that they can't stand the success of conservative talk radio and will do anything to limit its effects. I find it funny that the Dems, who will fight to the bitter end for freedom of speech, will try and take away that freedom from their political opponents. Don't our boys overseas fight for their rights too, while the Dems in Congress fight for the rights of liberals alone? This clearly impedes on freedom of speech and it would be great to see Keith Olbermann's face when it's Bill O'Reilly or Rush Limbaugh's turn to counter his point. Or is that case too fair for the Senate Democrats? Would this impede on their freedom of speech? Should the NY Times have to add a conservative Op-Ed piece for every liberal one?

May God protect us from the progressive liberal's tyranny over anything that doesn't align with their own political philosophy!

It is a sad day in America when we care so much for equality that we need to monitor any aspect of society when there is more than one conflicting view.

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